Rust: Baby Steps

by: David White

- 7 mins read

Series: Tilecraft Build Log

Last time, I introduced you to Tilecraft, my vision for a highly flexible tile-based map generation API built in Rust. Today’s entry will be about my own experience getting started on my first Rust project. Cargo Before diving into actually writing code, the first step to getting started with Rust is to install the Rust ecosystem’s most powerful command line utility: Cargo. Cargo functions as a package manager, build tool, test runner, and all around Swiss army knife for creating and managing a Rust project.
Introduction Last year, when GPT-4 was released, I, like everyone else, was captivated by its impressive capabilities. A year later I still use it every day and wouldn’t want to go back to a time before it. But it didn’t take long after first using it to start probing the depths of its limitations. My girlfriend and I had started playing around with having it serve as a dungeon master for whatever crazy scenario we could think of to throw at it and it did its best but, and I’m sure you can already think of several of them, there are a whole host of reasons why ChatGPT falls horrendously short of an effective dungeon master.